Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Court Time

Yesterday was another day spent in Court in the government's effort to permanently put an end to Father Vincente's abuse of children. The wheel of justice turns slowly here, but it appears it does turn!

Gershon, Fabiola, Mauricio, and I all testified yesterday before a judge in what appeared to me to be akin to our Grand Jury setting. Present were Father Vincente & his lawyer, the lawyer for Fiscaglia (Justice Dept. or in the U.S. District Attorney) and the Judge. She first heard opening remarks from each of the lawyers and then called me to testify, asking exactly what I observed when I first went to Alzira, the children's prior home.

I told her of all the horrors we saw first hand and then she called each of the children individually to ask them more specific questions, such as: "Did you ever see Father Vincente hit any of the children, or did he ever hit you?" Fabiola was first up and she initially froze...frightened to the point of silent tears because Vincente was sitting right behind her. Although they allowed me to sit between the two of them, his presence was obviously huge in her mind. Eventually she did open up about some of the other abuses like the dirt, lack of toilet paper, lack of food and clothing, etc. I imagine at this point "Padre" Vincente was feeling pretty confident in himself when they called in Mauricio, but his confidence was to be short-lived! Mauricio unloaded everything in machine gun manner, devoid of all was clear cut, precise, and very, very damaging. He told them of Vincente beating many of the children on repeated occasions and even told them of one time Vincente swung at Gershon only to miss because Gershon ducked, and then grabbed him by throat and slapped him back and forth across the face telling him, "Because you ducked, now you're getting more." Next Gershon himself recounted many of the beatings he endured at the hands of this "Priest"!

At the end of the day we had to sign our testimonies and when we did the court stenographer told us the Judge had decided that Father Vincente was guilty of Child Abuse and Concealment of Evidence. That means that he will be held over for an actual trial. He ask for permission to leave the country, but it was denied him until he has gone through the trial.

It was a necessary, but traumatic day...for the children. Father Vincente's actions in the court room were child-like, repulsive, and reviling. He made many attempts to gain the attention of our kids, by coughing, laughing, gesturing, staring, etc. It was difficult to not say or do anything, but the Lord prevailed and allowed Vincente to expose himself!

Much more happened yesterday as well, but that's enough for now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Praise God!!! What an encouragement!!! The victory is in our/you all's hands given to us/you all by the blood of Christ! Praise the King of kings and Lord of lords! WHOOO!
