Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Wildly Unexpected Blessing...

When Rosa broke her leg on Friday Fabi & I loaded her into the car and headed off to the emergency room leaving Will & Joyce with the other kids. They were in a bit of a shock at seeing their sister carried away bleeding and in obvious pain. It was then that the blessing occurred...

Antonio, perhaps our most difficult child because of handicaps, came up to Will and said, "We need to go pray for Rosa"! Will said, "okay", but Antonio said, "No, we need to walk away and pray now." So he, Will, & Pedro walked to the front of the house to be alone and prayed for Rosa. You need to understand that Antonio is the one diagnosed as "not having a conscience" by the child psychiatrist. She said, "He will never get any better, he will only get worse." We didn't accept that because we chose to believe that his Maker would piece him back together. Certainly that unsolicited prayer is evidence of the Holy Spirit bringing healing to Antonio in ways that we can't see!

On this Easter day we believe that God is continuing to offer up proof that our faith will bring forth sure rewards! Thank you, God; thank you, Jesus; thank you, Holy Spirit!!!

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