Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We're back 'home' in Honduras and reunited with our children...and Will. The kids were as excited to see us as we were them and they made a great banner and hung it inside the house to welcome us home.

It's funny that after being out for only two weeks the heat seems to be oppressive to us...and it's really quite nice. Just too much change I guess. We don't have much time to drag our feet...we have a meeting a school today for one of the kids, tomorrow our daughter Nicole, son-in-law Bob, and their children Page, Celia, & Noah arrive for a week; and on Friday Pedro has a repeat surgery on his Achilles tendon. And of course, there are all the bills to be paid...that will take a day of running around. Next week we're doing outreaches with Nicole and family, taking the children's 5th & 6th grade classes to do a Thanksgiving outreach in a remote pueblo and helping two other ministries in the area.

We got tons of work done on our property in TN while we were home, but we're still experiencing a problem with our well. Hopefully it 's being worked on today...pray for our well.

All the kids are in good shape thanks to the Sipes, Will, and Miss Louie (one of the kids teachers who helped out after the Sipes left). Mauricio will get his braces soon, hopefully this week and then we'll start thinking about Rosa.

Thanks for blessing us with your prayers, your labors, and your financial sacrifices!

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