Monday, May 16, 2011

Jurassic Park - Honduras...

This morning I was greeted by screams from the cleaning lady of "come help me, there's an iguana in the pila!" For you Gringos a pila is an outside wash station and in this case it's about 2-1/2 feet deep.

First you need to be aware that iguanas will definitely bite you!

Second, you should know that they are absolutely faster than you! This prehistoric critter means business, especially when he's trapped inside a slippery 'pila'.

Third, trying to catch a greased pig would be much easier!

This monster dragon-like animal was in no mood to be messed with...ok, so he wasn't a monster but he was at least two feet long! Ok, ok, so he was two feet long, if you included his tail. But with his lightning speed and the mouth of an alligator he was a formidable foe.

I gathered Will and we headed to the pila to scout out the situation...we weren't making much progress...I put a couple of broom handles down inside the pila, but the monster didn't seem interested in climbing out and every time we would move our hands toward him he would dart about hissing with his mouth in the ready position to bite! After too many squeals from Will and I our cleaning lady decided to come help us get this invader out of our pila. Seizing the opportunity I backed off and gave instructions from afar, as any good general would do! You don't send the generals to front of the wasn't that I was afraid of this menacing attacker, it's just that someone had to stay calm in this battle and constantly assess the situation!

As the screams continued to come from the pila area I shouted out new instructions from my location on the other side of the pool, but nothing we tried seemed to help. Finally Will came up with the idea of getting a large trash bag and trying to chase this dinosaur-like creature into it. It took a lot of brooms, a lot of jumping back, and a lot more screams; but finally, he was captured. Will carried him out into the street and released him there to reek havoc in someone else's home.

What happens next is anybody's traumatic stress syndrome, nightmares, hallucinations? Who can tell when something as horrifying as this happens? This is life on the wild side; this is Jurassic Park -Honduras!!!

Remember this photo is taken from high above our attacker and thus he may not look that dangerous to you, but after today we will be purchasing a supply of "Depends"!!!

1 comment:

  1. I paddleboard every day over ALLIGATORS & SHARKS and you girly men are scared of a plant eating Iguana? (of course had it been one of those big old tarantulas you have there, I would have been screaming like Sissy too.)
