Sunday, November 1, 2009

Praise Report

Yesterday I had to leave very early for the drill site and thus was unable to conduct our daily Bible Study with the children. What follows is the 'fruit of our labors'!

Mauricio called the children together and told them they were going to have Bible Study. He took the book of Bible stories we use, seated the children in the living room, and began by asking who wanted to pray this morning. After several of the children prayed he led them in the three items we recite everyday...Psalm 133:1, Prov. 28:13, and a cartoon we clipped from the local paper "Gracias Dios, porque siempre estaras con nosotros". (Thank you God, because you are always with us.) Then he read them the story, stopping throughout to ask them questions geared to determine if they had been listening or not. As he read about the miracle of the wine at Cana he paused to make sure everyone understood what he was reading. Joyce said it was exactly the way I did it every morning....maybe we are raising a young pastor!!!

God's word does penetrate, God's word does take root, and God's word does change from the inside out!

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