Friday, July 9, 2010

School Days, Again

With our tutor out with a stomach infection and Dengue, Joyce & I have become the tutors for 10 kids. I think they believe we're each a little tougher on them than they think is necessary.

Tonight is one of the nights that Pedro has a voice and physical therapist visit for 1-1/2 hours which means we need to herd all of the other 9 into one room to give Pedro and his therapist some privacy in which to work. On top of that it's been raining, so of course everyone is trapped inside. Sometimes it feels a little like we're on 'house arrest'.

So far so good as far as IHNFA is concerned...we haven't heard from them for two weeks so we don't know if they've forgotten us, decided to drop us, or just getting ready for the big hit.

Angel & Jesus are in Day Camp for their new school which begins classes in August. For the month of July they will be going to camp from 7-12 Monday thru Friday and among other things, they are learning to swim.

Thanks for all your far we are Dengue free!

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