Saturday, May 19, 2012

Our walk toward residency....

What started over almost 3 years ago and now has cost us nearly $6000 is about to come to an end...I think! On Thursday Joyce and I spent 3 hours sitting in the Immigration Office waiting for our turn to have our 'carnet' (a laminated I.D. card granting residency) made, but it didn't happen...again! After all the waiting we were processed and given a 'provisional carnet" which is good for 90 days and told to return in 2 months to receive our laminated carnet! That's right! It will take 2 months, if we're lucky, to laminate our cards. And Honduras can't figure out why they're in a rut!!!

Oh, and the culture here gave us a little joy while we were waiting: in the midst of the Immigration Office surrounded by a horde of people, Joyce had her cell phone stolen out of her pocket! Welcome to Honduras!

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