Monday, March 21, 2011

Will's Update

It has been a great and busy week! We had a team this week consisting of two good friends of mine named Tim Belcher and Katie Goins. For me and the rest of the family it was a blast having them down. Sometimes, it was like being back home for us. The first day they were down, I dropped them off at the hotel that night and ended up staying for 2 hours just talking to them about my life as a missionary.The conversation consisted of a little bit of everything...from the joy and peace that lies in my heart, the frustrations, the lessons that I am learning through those frustrations, and to the changes that God has made in the lives of the children.

So what happened this week? Here are some details:


In La Funez we completed the well and guess what? 3 other souls became a part of the body of Christ!!! For me it was an awesome experience. These people saw us working hard for them and God used that as a medium by which he softened their hearts to receive His gospel. I can not describe to you guys how great it feels to see the countenance on a person's face completely change once they are saved. Those villagers will forever be ingrained in my memory and I can not wait to see them again....either on this earth or with our King!

After La Funez we took the rig back up to San Luis De Santa Barbara and tried to ream out the hole but had no luck with the drag bit due to the rock (120 ft of the hole consists orsolid rock). The problem is that the rock bit we have is a 4 inch bit where as the drag bit is 6 inches. The drag bit is meant to go through soils whereas the rock bit goes through.....well....rock. Since we could not ream out the hole we had to return back to the city. Some great news though! Antonio Galdamez (the guy who owns the shop that repairs the rig and helps with the maintenance of the rig after every well) has been searching for a 6 inch rock bit for wellspring and he found one just last week! Turns out, he wants to give us the bit!!!! The bit is a solid $2500 (American)!!! Is God not awesome!!??

Tim and Katie:

For me it was great. It was like a piece of home that came home....if that makes any sense to you guys. I loved every minute of it. One day, Tim and I were going to a small store to grab some ketchup for the kids and we both thought about the fact that we never imagined we would be riding through a foreign country together just to grab a bottle of ketchup. God sure is good about blowing our minds is he not!? During the week Tim built a homemade basketball goal and it turned out great (I would have preferred Florida Gator colors instead of UT's)! The kids are really enjoying it especially Mauricio and Antonio. We all had our first family pickup game the day before Tim and katie left and it was a blast!

This week thoughts went through my head that I never really had before. I thought of how much life changes, of how God works and a few other things. I am so thankful. God saw something in me that I never saw in myself. He chose me to be here with these kids. I still don't see why, but I know that He did. I never thought that at the age of 24, I would give up everything that I held dear to come serve Him and to raise 7 children. It is definitely an experience I never want to lose. These children, Bob and Joyce are now my life......they are my life now because He engraved them in my heart. It wasn't my was His.....His, before time began. Admittedly, these are just thoughts going through my head, but thoughts that I feel he wants me to put into this update. I don't know why....I'm just typing.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please spread the word...I still need help with funds.

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