Hey every one! It has been a LONG and busy week!
On the 26th we had a father/son team come in from Denver. They found us via wellspring's website ( wellspringoflife.org) and decided they wanted to come drill a well. Turns out that the father is a civil engineer and his son is actually almost finished with school trying to obtain a degree in civil engineering as well. Their names were Jim and Jeff Wulliman and they were a blast to get to know and were great to drill with. They were both a breath of fresh air to Bob, Joyce, and I as well as the children. It was great getting to know them.
It was even greater to see how the children interacted with them as well. They were laughing, smiling, clinging, etc.....things they would not do the first time I met them. It was just so amazing to see how Christ has changed their lives and what's more amazing is that He has blessed me with the opportunity to not only witness the change in these children but, to be a part of the process. Because of you who help by supporting me on a monthly basis I get to be a major part of the lives of these children, to be a light here in Honduras, to give people who are in need the gift of potable water, and most importantly....to see Christ change the lives of others by witnessing individuals accepting the gift of the cross which I will touch on a bit later.
As far as the drilling goes, it was a week of highs and lows. It is pretty cool to know that I have seen my first well successfully drilled! We drilled 175-180 ft and all that is left is the placing of the casing for the well. You should have seen the thickness of the clay we were drilling through! It literally was like glue! I've NEVER seen anything as thick as this stuff was! Pretty cool though! At the end of every day, the four of us were extremely tired after all of the work! It was rewarding however, to witness the things that we did that week. I believe it is a week that God will use to forever change the live's of the Wullimans!
Earlier I mentioned that I have the great privilege of being able to see individuals accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Last week I saw two young men accept Him into their hearts. It was so great! One in particular had a physical change from the very moment he accepted Christ. His name was Marlo and he is 26 years old. From the minute that he asked Jesus into his heart, he smiled non-stop. His entire countenance for the next 2 days was completely changed.
You never saw him without a smile and you could literally see the joy in his heart emitting from him. He wanted to help us drill and at the end of the week we asked him to show us where he lived so that we could visit him every now and then. He showed us his house alright....when we stopped we were two houses past his home so he got out and brought me with him! With a large smile and a wave of an excited hand he had me run with him to his house. He wanted to introduce us to his mother! She was very excited to know that he had invited Christ into his life and he was very excited to introduce us to her. I have NEVER seen anyone so extremely excited about coming to know Jesus!
Unfortunately, Marlo is unable to read so the opportunity to provide him with a bible was unavailable but, he will begin to attend a local church. Due to school we did not see Edgar very much but he is Marlo's nephew. Please pray for these two young men and their growth!
Also, Please continue to pray for the people of Choloma. The next drill site is in the lowlands which means ALOT of water and mud!
Just some random thoughts:
1. When it comes to driving it seems like logic does not exist in this country. BUT IT'S FUN!!!
2. I can not believe how exhausted I am at 8:30 pm each night! I now know how my mother and father felt raising me! I wake up and shower at 5:30 and by 8:30...I am ready to tip over! I would have never thought I would be raising 7 kids at the age of 24! PARENTS!...I SALUTE YOU!
3. I am so excited about next week! My dear friends Tim and Katie are coming down on a short term trip and I am so Jacked! Tim, Bob, and I will be drilling while Katie aids Joyce with the 7 kids. Pray for their travels coming from and going to the states!

"Bob with Edgar and Marlo"

"Marlo and his mother"

"Jim, Jeff, Marlo's Mother, Marlo and I"

"The Wullimans"
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