Thursday, October 14, 2010

Prayer for Antonio...

We continue to take Antonio for sessions w/a child psychologist and the findings are becoming more and more worrisome! As he begins to open up to her he reveals things from his past which you simply would not believe. His sexual deviation is deep, aggressive, violent and according to his doctor will only become worse and more pronounced as he grows! He has already begun to show aggressive and inappropriate behavior toward female students in school. She recommends that we get him on some type of medicine that will suppress his sexual desires!

She has now recommended that we take him to a child psychiatrist for another thorough evaluation and we will make that appointment today. The doctor told Joyce, "Antonio has no conscience!" How is such a thing possible? God created each of us with a conscience, with a soul, with an inner "knowing" of what is right and wrong; so how is it possible that Antonio has no conscience?

Joyce and I firmly believe we are dealing with demonization! With generational curses! We understand that many of you will read this and think we are radicals or extremists, but the Bible tells us that these things exist and that " our warfare is not of flesh and blood, but of strongholds and spiritual powers of darkness...". Why are we so hesitant to believe in demonization when the Bible itself reveals it? We need to stand in prayer against our enemy and his devices...skirting the issue will not help; we must pray! The fact that some of you may not believe in demons or demonization does not make it untrue. Antonio needs the kind of help that can only come from intercessory prayer! Please join us in these prayers for his release!


  1. Hey Bob and Joyce! I am right there with you! I will hold myself accountable to even fast about this! I am sooo praying for this. I see things like this with people at my school! I will definitely will stand with you!

  2. Bob, I sent you an e-mail a few minutes ago, then read this. I will certainly pray for Antonio. I will also pray for your mechanic (and anyone else who repairs anything of yours!) Craig
