I needed reinforcements! Rushing upstairs I shook Joyce awake and told her to follow me...once downstairs I got a broom, the bug spray, and told her to stand by. Slowly, carefully, stealthily, I inched toward the desk and the TV, behind which I expected to find our intruder. Gingerly lifting the sheet we used as a cover I peeked in, around, under, and behind the TV and stand; but found nothing. The only place left were the drawers in the stand.
I handed Joyce the broom and told her to get ready...I was sure when I pulled open the proper drawer this nighttime invader would come leaping out at me. One by one I tip-toed up to the drawers and using my lightning quick speed, ripped open the drawers only to find....nothing! Our assailant was nowhere to be found! That would mean going to bed wondering if he would feel the need to venture upstairs!
We made it through the night safely, but still have not located our new friend! You can be sure I look down at my feet much more often than normally and I imagine I can see things moving around my peripheral vision only to find it was nothing. Our hairy friend is lurking somewhere waiting to appear when least expected! Stay tuned........
Jorge says the cat will most likely eat it... or vise versa!