I feel as if this post needs to begin with the declaration that it's not about Republican or Democrat, Romney or Obama; but rather is about the condition of our souls! It's not declaring that a vote for Obama is a vote for the Devil; nor that a vote for Romney is a vote for God! It is about the watering down of our moral values, of what is acceptable and what is no longer acceptable...it is about where our current path will lead us not as a nation, but as a sinful people seeking a merciful God!
I fear we have become a nation of shadows, a nation of compromises, a nation where there are no longer any absolute truths...nothing is black and white any longer; we've merged nearly everything into grey areas so they don't offend us. We've become, or are becoming, a nation of traders, i.e. "I'll agree to your terms if you'll give me my desires". Our foundation is crumbling beneath our very feet and instead of taking a stand to repair it we seem to be taking 'the path more easily traveled'. God is becoming a distasteful word in our mouths and one which we only use in public if we're backed into it. And certainly don't mention that you stand upon the principles of Jesus Christ!
Entitlement programs are the lure of the evil one, and yet we constantly trade one program for another so we can advance our own agendas. We claim to have principles, but if it means we can get free health care, or food stamps, or more rights for illegal immigrants, or easier abortions, or a handout of any kind...we will soften our stance on almost any issue to fulfill the desires of our own hearts.
This morning our Bible Study took us through Isaiah 7, John 5, Proverbs 7, & Psalm 37. I encourage you to take a quick look at these and see for yourselves the common thread that runs through them all. It begins in Isaiah with a prophecy of the coming Christ and what will happen to those who will not believe and continues on in John 5 with the warning that the day of the two resurrections is coming: the resurrection of life & the resurrection of condemnation! Moving on to Proverbs 7 we read of the need to "...treasure my commands..." and how if we don't hold fast, the lure of the crafty harlot draws us inexorably to her side. And finally in Psalm 37 we're told over and over to "...trust in the Lord...", "...do good...", "...delight ourselves in the Lord...", "...commit our ways to the Lord...", and in verse 25 David tells us, "I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread."
The message is clear; we don't need to soften our stances...we need to reaffirm them! Hang on to the declaration of David and keep ourselves righteous in all things ("...seek ye first the kingdom of God and these things will be added unto you...") and God will take care of the rest!
The Hardware Store??? I think it's time we make a trip there to purchase a new bag of nails. Just as in Colossians 2 where Christ nailed the list of requirements against us to the cross; so, we too, need to nail our flesh to the cross and die to the desires of our own flesh. We are saved by the righteous blood of Jesus Christ and it's time we began to act like it!
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