We look like a hive of bees today...since we no longer have a part time cleaning lady we all have our Saturday cleaning duties; and it's a sight to behold. Everyone sweeps and mops their own rooms, and then they each have an area of the living space for which they are responsible, i.e. Cesar the back porch, Angel the parking area, Pedro the front entrance, Mauricio the dining area, Rosa the upstairs study area, and Fabiola the living room and hallway!
They do a pretty good job, considering! Albeit not all have a smile on their faces while working. Actually they don't put up much of a fuss, so it's all good. I think the oldest likes it the least...maybe has something to do with those dreaded teenage years!
We are all fairly healthy, Rosa has a lingering cough and congestion cold, and Joyce and I still have some mucus hanging around; but other than that we're all well!
Lots of typical 'mission' problems: with the drill rig a hose burst, a fitting is shot, still working on our new air hammer, Joyce had a small fender bender (almost impossible to avoid those in San Pedro), had the gear shift repaired on the truck, paper legalities for the land for our church building in El Dorardito,...etc, etc, etc. Just the normal stuff!!!
We bless you for blessing us...Fabiola, Mauricio, Rosa, Cesar, Angel, Pedro, Will, Joyce, & Bob
PTL thank you for the update! :)