Thursday, January 5, 2012

Family update...

Christmas gifts are being used (some broken), the tree is down and put away, New Year's has come and past, and the kids are back in school, as of this morning (yeah from both the parents and the kids)! It's been cold and rainy here and being stuck in the house all day with PARENTS is just about more than the kids could handle. They are grateful for school returning to session. Ditto for the parents!!!

The children are all healthy at the moment and the adjustment to the braces for Fabiola and Mauricio has progressed nicely. Today Joyce is down with some type of virus or bug, but hopefully it will pass quickly. Will and I are combining our talents, or lack thereof, to play Mr. Mom.

Please remember to pray for our Buen Esperanza project and to share the opportunity with all your friends.

Grateful for your gifts and prayers,
Bob, Joyce, Will, and "The Coder Crew"

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