Yesterday marked the end of a week filled with sweat, dirt, heat, long days, and incredible blessings! We were blessed to host two teams, one was a team of three from Tellico Plains, TN. and the other a team of 19 from the Washington, D.C. area.
Throughout the week we played in the waterfall, zip-lined across it, planted, weeded, pruned, potted, bagged, built fence, painted, poured footers, mixed cement, moved mountains of sand, held numerous VBS-type bible lessons, played games with desperate children, handed out many suitcases full of clothes and shoes, hygiene packs, school supplies, etc., helped some to make commitments to the Lord, supplied roofing, cement, blocks to build a church, visited an orphanage beyond description, had wonderful early morning bible studies, and made mountains of new friends! There was no idle time; it was all spent in serving the Lord and in meeting new brothers and sisters in the Lord.
We all grew! Sometimes we struggled, but the Lord never allowed us to stumble! We possessed a unity that can only come from above! By His grace we touched hundreds of lives...thank you Jesus for the opportunities you place before us. Help us to take advantage of them more frequently both at home and abroad!
It was a very rewarding week. thanks for arranging the events, sharing your family and providing leadership. John K.