Wednesday, August 31, 2011
More hospital news...& School
Urgent Prayer Request!!!
Please read the post below. It is from Robin Demboski, the Chief Medical Officer of Wellspring of Life Ministry. Robin is a devoted servant of the Lord and even now just returned from another medical trip to Haiti to help those less fortunate than her. Please, please read and ask the Lord if He is telling you to step up and help Robin!!! At the very least...PRAY!
Good Morning everyone,
As most of you know I went to life link yesterday to find out information about Kidney Transplant.
So basically I am good candidate as long as I get a little more testing done.
- Dental (seeing Friday)
- Echo Cardiogram ( I will try to set up next week)
- Blood testing for (sex transmitted disease (standard)
- MAMO’S ( will try to set up for next week)
I must meet with the surgeon; I am waiting on that for life link.
First they told me average time to get a kidney is 2 years (which the doctor made it pretty clear I don’t have two years to wait)
Alternative is a living donor someone who is willing to give me a kidney.
What is required for a living donor?
1, under 60
2. No hypertension
3. No diabetes
4. Not sexually promiscuous.
5. Must be A or O doesn’t matter negative or positive.
No one can be tested till I finish my testing, I will speed things up , because Life Link is too slow for me.
That is why I will set up for Mamo, Echo, and see what else they will let me do on the out side
Saturday, August 27, 2011
More General Hospital and just things...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
General Hospital continued...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Creatures of the Deep...
Health problems continue...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
More Medical News...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Back to School Supplies...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Comings & Goings...
- we received word that through his summer tutoring program Cesar will not be admitted to Good Seed School in Sept. That's a great break for him, but it take considerably more resources to get him there. Matriculation, Monthly Fee, Books, Uniforms, etc.
- Angel, Mauricio, & Fabiola have all had dentist appointments and now they tell us that Mauricio & Fabiola will both need braces...think more resources
- Angel has developed a urinary tract infection which was uncovered after two trips to the doctor and two outpatient lab tests...he may have to be circumcised!
- we've been trying to buy the last of the kids books and supplies for Sept. 1 opening
- two meetings with our new lawyer have unveiled that once again we've been taken for a 'chunk' of money by our latest lawyer
- Joyce & I spent a day driving to and from Teguicagalpa and meeting with the head of a very well known and well respected ministry there. They specialize in special risk kids and there's a chance they may have the capability of taking Antonio to the next level of his development
- delivered documents to our lawyer today to solidify our standing w/IHNFA
- had a meeting at 7:30 a.m. with Cesar's school about his unacceptable behavior with a young girl there.
- this afternoon Joyce and I spent 1-1/2 hours talking with Cesar & Mauricio about their behavior
- made a trip to the machine shop to check on the progress of the repairs to the drill rig
- went to Good Seed to pay for Cesar's matriculation and books
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Birthday celebration...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Will's Honduras Update 8/13/11
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Will's Honduras Update 8/8/11
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Right back into it...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
A Furious Week of Activities, Blessings, and Hard Work...