Saturday, June 11, 2011

2 YEARS!!!

Today is June 11th! What is so special about this day you ask? This day is the 2 year anniversary of the day that Jesus pulled the children out of the horrible orphanage that they were in and started the process of molding them into the life-changers that He wants them to be. Within an instant, they went from experiencing many horrible things on a daily basis to experiencing love of not just us...but the love of God.

On this day, we want to tell all of you "THANK YOU". Those words are constantly used by everyone in this world and often times, there is no heart in the saying. We can assure you, that when we say "THANK YOU"...we mean it. Because of YOU, these children are becoming those life-changers that God wants them to be. Bob, Joyce, and I know with all of our hearts that God has a HUGE plan for these children. Because of YOU, these children are hearing and learning about God's WORD on a daily basis. Because of you they are affecting the lives of other's right now. Because of you...they have a future, a hope, love, strength, personality......FAITH. You are helping these children see that there is more to life than what this world portrays. Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations and you are doing just that through these children.

Thank you Jesus for choosing these children!
Thank you Jesus for placing these children in our lives!
Thank you Jesus for those who have helped us and continue to help us disciple these children!


Thank ALL of YOU who are playing such a vital role in the lives of these children by your prayers, visits, monthly support, love, and FAITH.

Even though some of you may not realize will one day change the country of Honduras forever through the sowing into of the lives of these children.


Below we have included some pictures of the cake and the 7 AND some "Before/After" photos in order for you to see the physical changes in these children that you allowed to occur through your love and prayers:
"Celebrating The Anniversary With A Cake!!!"
"Close up of the Cake"
"Fabiola Before/After:"

"Mauricio Before/After"

"Cesar Before/After:"

"Antonio Before/After:"

"Angel Before/After:"

"Rosa Before/After:"

"Pedro Before/After:"

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