Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Peaks & Valleys...

The mission field is a constant roller coaster of peaks and valleys and I believe whether we succeed or fail is incumbent upon how we handle these acmes and nadirs. Today is a great picture of the spiritual warfare struggle we deal with out here.

Today we purchased a brand new Chevrolet Optra sedan as a result of great sacrifice and efforts, made and given by some of you. The car is so much better than anything we've had before and is going to improve our lives considerably. It is bigger, safer, more reliable, and more fuel efficient. Because some have labored long and hard on our behalf, and some have given way beyond what is 'reasonable' we are enjoying new found freedom.

Our children continue to grow in school. The three in Good Seed, Fabi, Mauricio, & Angel, are loving their new school and can't wait to leave in the mornings and rue the vacations days they get. They can't wait to get back to school. Meanwhile Pedro, Antonio, Cesar, & Rosa continue to improve in grades and conduct at Rodolfo Rojas.

A woman from our church is the director of a very, very large organization dedicated to helping disadvantaged children here in Honduras and she approached us via phone today and told us she and some of her friends want to help our children experience some unexpected fun. They sponsor a large carnival every year with rides, games, food, etc. There is an admission fee and a fee for all the rides, games, & refreshments since they use this a fund raiser. However, she and her friends, are offering to pay the admission for each of our children (and Joyce & I) and give them each an unbelievable amount of money to ride, play, and eat! It will be one of those treats that 1-1/2 years ago our kids could never even imagine!

Tonight we received another, effective immediately, resignation from one of our Board Members. It seems like the more responsibilities you take on and the lower donations drop, the fewer hands, minds, and bodies are available to help. We do understand that it is all part of spiritual warfare, but it takes a severe emotional toll. The enemy uses these moments to cause us to wonder, "Why bother?", "Why not just quit?", 'Why not just go home and live a life of peace and quiet?", but of course we can't...and with your continued prayers we won't!

Our truck continues to remain in the repair shop and like most things here is late on its' promised delivery. It makes it very difficult to try to fulfill the drilling promises we've committed to and that we need to try to pick up the shortfall in our donations. Along with that it's almost impossible to find reliable help with the drilling.

Of course, the biggest valley of all is Gershon, Karen, & Jesus. Everyday that passes seems to make it's the not knowing what's happening with them that's so difficult. Are they healthy? Are they being fed? Clothed? Schooled? Loved?, etc. Sometimes it feels as if it's worse than if they'd died; at least then we would know where they were...with the Father. But just not knowing doesn't seem acceptable.

And so, there are many things to celebrate and praise the Lord for and I'm sure many, many more are on their way! But there are also many struggles and many needs for prayer. Without your constant prayers on our behalf and on behalf of the children, we would not be able to make it. You not only support us; you empower us! Please accept our humble thanks for all that you have done, are doing, and will do for us in the future!

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