Friday, July 30, 2010

The New, The Old, The Unexpected...

We picked up a team of families from the Washington D.C. area today consisting of Michael, Emily, Evan, & Caroline Gaitonde, Jim, Kim, & Sarah, and John and son Aaron. The Gaitondes have been involved with the children since the very first day we met them and continue to be a big part of their lives. Now they have brought 'new blood' to join in sharing their love with these they helped to discover.

Everyone is full of great expectations as it's their first mission trip and today it got off to a great start. After dinner tonight they all came to the house to meet the children and while here they revealed they had surprises for each of the kids. They brought back packs for each of them stuffed w/goodies and you can imagine the joy that filled our home as they opened their individual gifts. It's the first night of what we expect will be a great week ahead for the children, for the family for whom we will build a house, and for this team of new missionaries, led by our now long-term friends.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, yay. I hope they enjoy them!! :) I can just see their faces. I miss them! Have a great week!!
