Friday, May 28, 2010

Trying Times...

These have been and continue to be trying times for us...
  • IHNFA continues to take us to court, but we never get any definitive we wonder while trying desperately to leave it all in God's hands. Sometimes difficult to let go...
  • We've headed into our rainy season and the daily rains have brought out the mosquitoes in abundance. And since the monkeys long ago destroyed our screens we co-exist w/the mosquitoes.
  • The rains have also caused the termites to come out of the ground. This house is so infested w/them it's hard to describe, but last night we used two cans of spray to try to kill all of them that were coming inside. The floors were literally covered with them.
  • You know the rains caused us some flooding in the house and we've been trying to get the landlord to make the necessary repairs, unsuccessfully. On top of that we have a toilet that won't hold water even after replacing the flapper and we can't get him to repair that either. With 12 of us in here we can't afford to be down a toilet.
  • I've been drilling in the mountains and am at 200' and in water, but very little. I've located one more 5 foot length of drill stem and want to put that down hole to see if we can open the aquifer to an adequate level.
  • The truck has been in a repair shop for the past 4 days and no word yet on when I will receive it. This keeps me from returning to finish the drilling and severely hampers our ability to move around.
  • We are trying to guard our resources until we hear what deductible we will have to pay for Joyce's accident, but until now all we hear is "we're working on it".
  • Our two oldest boys are on severe house restriction because of unacceptable behavior in school (separate incidents).
  • We've had to fire our cook (she's unsanitary in the kitchen and the kids are complaining about the food), so we're having to hire a new cook.
  • The bugs are making the house so unhealthy that we've had to extend the days of our cleaning lady to cover the rest of the week.
  • And the biggest trial is finances...all of the above things are draining our resources and we are trying to tighten our belts even more than before. We desperately need you to ask your friends to become faithful monthly partners w/us. Regardless of the amount, if they are faithful we, and the children, will be blessed.
We don't mean to vomit all over you; but sometimes it's necessary to let you know what's really happening here.

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