On Sunday our church asked all who had a birthday in December to come forth, so Karen & I went to the front of the church and they sang to us. Since most of our children don't know when their birthdays are, because they were never celebrated, she thought Sunday was hers. So yesterday some of the kids told us Karen was crying because she didn't get a birthday party or birthday gifts. We didn't say anything to her. Her birthday is today, Dec. 16 and this morning at 6:20 a.m. we had all the children assembled in the newly decorated(last night) dinning room and then had Fabiola bring Karen downstairs where she was greeted with a shout of "Happy Birthday Karen". We wish you could've seen her face...I'll bet she'll never forget this birthday...the party follows later today after the little ones return from school.

Man, I feel tears coming. Ohhh man! Praise the Lord!