Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We finally moved the drill rig away from the well site in La Sabana...the casing is in, the well is flushed, all that remains is to set the pump! Thank you, Jesus!

Our church here in Honduras, International Christian Fellowship, has stepped forward with the funds to buy new beds and mattresses for our three little guys. They don't know it yet, but they will soon be sleeping much better & prayerfully...........later!

The kids have been treated this week with multiple visits from a team from N. Florida. Today they stopped by and took the kids for a hike up the mountain behind our place. It's a beautiful, albeit steep, climb into a tropical rain forest.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009


The kids and I just ventured across the street to huge trees bordering the swamp which fronts one side of our community. In the largest of the trees were three huge, huge iguanas; one of which must've been easily three feet in length and much, much larger than our dog! They really are pretty wild to see and almost don't look real.

On another note, our deep cold front turned out to be a beautiful, cloudless, sunny, day. Guess the weather people aren't any more accurate here than they are there!

Spoiled, but is it okay?

Our children (ours & yours) are getting spoiled badly this Christmas. Because their plight was so bad and their lives so terrible prior to this year, the Lord has put them on the hearts of many who are responding with gifts of love...not to mention many toys. Many of you have sacrificed so they may have, this year, what they never had before...and tomorrow will be a glorious day for them. However, they are not likely to see such a mountain of gifts ever again in their lives. Every year will be light years better than they ever had prior to gaining freedom from Father Vincente, but none of them will ever match this first outpouring.

So, my question is: "Is spoiling a child always a bad thing?" Typically I would answer, "Yes, absolutely." You just create monsters who always want, who are never satisfied, who don't understand what it means to appreciate things! And, this first year we can see some of those things happening...there are times when a lack of appreciation rears its' head, there are times when they just want the next toy; but we believe that in this first year it is important to spoil them. We believe it is vital that they know without any question that they are loved by Christian brothers and sisters around the world. We believe it's important for them to know that they will never again be left alone, that they will always have a family...and that family is not just Bob & Joyce, that family is the body of Christ!

So, I believe that this year it is okay to spoil, to love, to give. I believe this year our Lord wants to plant seeds of security deep within them so that they never again worry or wonder what will happen next. So, we together, will spoil, we will love, and we will sow; and then next year (Jan. 1) we will break out the rules, the regulations, the "do's & don't's" again...but for now, let's spoil them!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Excitement Builds

As you can imagine the closer we get to Christmas, the nosier it gets around here...the tradition here is to open presents on Christmas Eve, but Joyce has told them we will wait until Christmas day...I'm betting she gives in, a least a present or two!

Still battling colds, but getting some better...

Had 4 of the kids, Cesar, Antonio, Rosa, & Pedro, tested by a school principal for special needs children and she says none of them know anything...no reading, no math...which, of course, we already knew!

The rains stopped, but the paper says we will have record cold on the 24th & 25th....I was told Guatemala even received some snow in the mountains for the first time ever. I may have to practice my snowboarding!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Runny noses, coughs, & car trouble

It surely will be a glorious Christmas celebration because the days leading to it are filled with adversity. Nothing earth shattering, just everyday things adding up such as: rain for four days and 10 kids trapped inside (read NOISE), many coughs and runny noses despite our best efforts with medicine, a serious discussion this morning on lieing with the oldest three who seem to 'get it' only to fall back into lieing, Rosa walked up and hit her brother, Pedro on the side of the head "por nada" (for nothing), Angel just spit into one of the building blocks Pedro was playing with because Pedro had more, and the truck will not start...AT ALL!

Come on, Jesus!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Under the Weather

A cold front filled with rain has hit us this weekend and it seems to have recharged my "gripe"....that is cold to all you gringos! I have body ache, sore throat, and I'm losing my voice which means I can't scream at all my little angels to be quiet! There's irony there somewhere!

Joyce & Fabi spent most of the afternoon wrapping gifts for all the other children...Fabi keeps getting that "where are my gifts look", but she hasn't come right out asked the question yet....so we just keep her wondering!

Tomorrow a group from our church is taking them all to Pizza Hut, so in their minds all is right with the world!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

More gifts

Some college kids came by yesterday to play with the kids...they've been here several times before so they know the children and this time they brought them all gifts. The kids are getting spoiled this Christmas since they are new to everyone and they are getting tons of gifts...I guess that's not a bad thing considering they've had so little in their lives.

Removed the drill rig from the site in La Sabana today. There were times when I thought this day would never come...thank you Jesus! The villagers are installing the pump now and I'll get you some pics on Monday.

Joyce is out finishing up shopping for the kids for Christmas, so I'm here with the brood...so far, my hand stings from trying to keep Angel in bed...I think he's going to win this one!

Pedro continues to walk better & better each day...truly a blessing from God!

Gershon, Mauricio, & Fabiola went with me to La Sabana this morning and distributed some clothes in the village. They're considered family there by now and never come home without someone having cooked them a meal. This morning it was eggs, cream, beans, and some kind of sausage....you know I didn't have any!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Karen's surprise birthday!

On Sunday our church asked all who had a birthday in December to come forth, so Karen & I went to the front of the church and they sang to us. Since most of our children don't know when their birthdays are, because they were never celebrated, she thought Sunday was hers. So yesterday some of the kids told us Karen was crying because she didn't get a birthday party or birthday gifts. We didn't say anything to her. Her birthday is today, Dec. 16 and this morning at 6:20 a.m. we had all the children assembled in the newly decorated(last night) dinning room and then had Fabiola bring Karen downstairs where she was greeted with a shout of "Happy Birthday Karen". We wish you could've seen her face...I'll bet she'll never forget this birthday...the party follows later today after the little ones return from school.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Normal Kid Stuff

Got a call on the way back from drilling today from the school. They said Angel fell from the monkey bars and landed on his head and I needed to come and get him. They told me he was okay but his head was cut and they were attending to him. When I asked if he needed stitches they said yes, and then another voice said, "no, no stitches." Since I was 40 minutes away I called Joyce and she borrowed a car and picked up Angel. He was bleeding still, and it keeps coming open even tonight, although he seems to have no after effects whatsoever. If it hasn't stopped bleeding completely in the morning we'll check out getting stitches.


A well for La Sabana...it has been a long, long, trial, but finally we have a well in La Sabana. At 110' with an unbelievable 105' of static water level! We set the casing yesterday and today we flushed...we'll wait two days and then flush some more...and then, set the pump and watch the glee of the people of La Sabana.

It has been such a trial, but God, through your prayers, brought us through to the victory so He could get all the Glory! We could never have kept going if had not been for the encouragement of the Holy Spirit urging us to fight for this village.

Thanks again for all your prayers.........

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Angel Delivery

A couple from our church brought each of the children a large gift and delivered them on Sat. The Kids have been having a blast since then. They were also in their 1st Church Christmas Program this morning, but the old folks forgot the camera. You'll have to take our word for it!

The Big Night!

We missed the actual dance pics, but hope to have some soon...here is the prep, and the finished product!

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Star is Born

Last night was Fabi's first night of her dance program and the only night you could take pictures, so Joyce took her and did the picture taking. (I'll post some pics later) Fabi came home with stars in her eyes! It was so obvious that she absolutely loved it...it's so neat to see them begin to see something of worth in themselves! Tonight the whole family is going to see the show and we're all excited.

Keep praying for Mauricio & Gerhson....they did finally break down and come to talk about the situation and they did apologize to the entire family for their actions. Now, let's pray that it was sincere and not just a ploy to get out of trouble. They're great kids; it's just that they have so much baggage that keeps dragging them back into the quicksand it's difficult for them to keep their feet on solid ground.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

More financial woes

It just never seems to stop...the truck is again a source of financial stress as it has allegedly 3 heating elements and a sensor not working which price out at 7000 lempiras, plus 3000 lempiras labor. On top of that we lost the rear brakes today, that we just had installed 1-1/2 months ago and we're told it needs new discs at a cost of 3000 lempiras plus 2000 lempiras labor!

Then there is the matter of our overstaying our Visas and the accompanying fines: 5000 lempiras for Joyce, and for me..........I can't even pay the fine if I have the money...I first have to file for residency, which has been on hold because of the political uprising, and I'm told that will cost anywhere between $2000 & $3000 dollars. The gal at the immigration office told me I had to apply immediately because I could be deported!

Please pray!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Struggles & Dreams

Pedro is struggling with his new walking abilities...it's like trying to teach a newborn baby to walk. He only wants to do it the way he did before and doesn't put a whole lot of effort into anything new or different. It will come, but it will take some time.

Tomorrow is Fabiola's first night of recital...there are six of them and Joyce has to be there early for all of them. She's also been to every practice with Fabi and is ready for the recital to be over. Fabi, on the other hand, is very, very excited to be "on stage". The entire family will go Friday night to watch her perform.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A New Beginning

Pedro had his cast removed today and now is learning to walk with a new freedom. Although his foot is sore and right now he doesn't want to walk a lot, his ankle is bending and flexing the way it should and we are hoping he will soon be walking almost normally! This is truly a miracle for a child who went through a pair shoes every three weeks because of dragging his toes. He will have months of therapy, but praise God (and Cure International) he will soon be experiencing a whole new lease on life!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Weekend

Yesterday I went to the drill site and tore down the mud pump (that took some doing, and some advice from the states) and discovered a torn gasket. We'll get that fixed tomorrow and then Wed. give it a try and hopefully finish this well! In the afternoon, early evening Joyce took the kids to a Christmas tree lighting in the city, but the crowds kept them from seeing the 'real deal'. Not all was lost as she took them for ice cream cones...that beats Santa Claus anyday!

Today was church and Pizza Hut...their treat...they love the pizza and the playground there. Ran into Pedro's doctor at church and he said to bring him in on Tuesday and he would split his cast and remove; only needing to replace it at night. Other than that he can go to a regular shoe...we're really eager to see how he walks.

Our closet is beginning to fill w/Christmas gifts and the kids want to know why we take so many black garbage bags to our bedroom..........it's locked!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tough Day

One of the teachers didn't show today so I've been teaching the big three all day...I think they believe I'm too tough, imagine that?

Joyce has been Christmas shopping for the kids so that leaves me to 'hold the fort'.

We don't have any water again today and ALL TOILETS ARE FULL!!! Care to come for a visit?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cleaning Frenzy!

Purchased a new hose today and broke it out for the kids to wash the truck. They put on the swim suits and jump into it...of course, the hose just happens to go off course occasionally. Then tonight Fabi actually volunteered to clean the inside and after 5 minutes everyone wanted to join her...they actually did a pretty good job...looks good inside and out! Sure am glad we don't have to put up with that "child labor law bunk" down here!

Oops! No water in the house tonight and you can imagine the condition everyone is in after all the work on the truck. Pray for water, we need showers!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sick Call

Everyone in the house is sick and feeling poorly now, including mama & papa! Nothing serious, just respiratory infections and all are on meds....but it's not a very happy house.