Friday, October 2, 2009

Today's headlines..........

Excitement a la Casa: Went outside this morning to find the guards all throwing sticks up into a tree and pointing up and talking excitedly. When I went to inquire what was going on they pointed out a lime green snake about 5 feet long high in the tree. I asked why they were so animated and they told me it is extremely poisonous...that if it bites you it causes your organs to swell and burst, killing you within 30 minutes! Anyone care to go for a casual walk? (they did get it)

La Sabana: Took a ride to La Sabana to tell them in person why we haven't been able to get back to finish the well and to check on our equipment. The equipment was exactly where we left it(as I expected) and after telling them why we hadn't returned and that we would begin again on Tuesday, everyone left happy.

Surprise Visit from IHNFA: At lunch time today there was a knock on the door and three people said, "Hi" and started walking in. I started to move toward the door and the lone guy said, "You don't remember me do you?" I confessed I didn't and he told me they were from INHFA...turns out there were with us the day we got the kids. Anyhow, they were here for a surprise inspection and after talking with me, the children, Joyce, and looking around they left with big grins on their faces. They obviously thought we were doing things the right way. We are trying very hard to keep IHNFA appraised of every situation so no one gets any opportunity to turn anything against us.

Antonio: We had a doctor's appt. for Antonio today and this guy turned out to be a real doctor...imagine my surprise. Without knowing Antonio's background he could only make some educated guesses, but he said after evaluating Antonio he felt he had some retardation as a result of hereditary factors, i.e. alcoholic & drug addict parents. He has prescribed a new med that supposedly will control his epilepsy and his behavior problems. We had him scheduled for special classes beginning on Wed., but the doctor asked us to postpone that for two weeks to see how we need to adjust the medications.

College Kids Visit: We had six college students visit this afternoon to play with the children...some of them had been here before and they love the kids and vice versa, so it's a good time for all when they come. They took the kids to the tree house and they all had a great time with our newest 'wild creatures'...white-faced spider monkeys...little fellers, but cute!

College Kids Adeux: Tomorrow morning we have more (10) from the same college coming to entertain the kids, so they should get the day off to a rousing start.

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