Monday, March 19, 2012

Father's Day Celebration...

Good Seed had their Father's Day celebration today and as you can see below, it had a cowboy theme. The kids all participated in great skits and afterwards we had father & son games that were a hoot! Only fathers were allowed to attend so it was a special treat for me.

This cowgirl is steppin' out!

He sure looks bow-legged!

This cowpoke looks too happy to be dangerous!

Pedro says, "He went thata way!"

They always put the handsome one front & center!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day Four...paying it forward!

Today we took our children to Buen Esperanza for a work day. Our kids realize they are no longer impoverished and as they get more and more filled with the 'fruit of the Spirit' they are beginning to understand the need for them to give back what has so freely been given to them! They have participated in lots of outreaches, worked with lots of teams, taken clothes, food, toys, etc. to the 'bordos' around our neighborhood by themselves...and they are starting to look forward to it. When we arrived at the site today there was no work we could do on the house itself; however, there was some work to be done. There was a huge pile of large rocks that needed to be moved to the next home site about 50 yards away. That doesn't sound like it's very far, but that makes each trip 100 yards round trip and there are a lot of those in 2-1/2 hours of hauling rock! If you haven't 'enjoyed' our summer sun then you don't fully realize the labor effort these kids put forth today. For 2-1/2 hours they hauled rock from one location to another and they did with a smile on their faces and a spring in their step...they were amazing! They have recognized that they are now blessed and that they need to"pay it forward"...and today they did just that! 

How about you? Are you blessed? Have you been blessed? Have you "paid it forward yet? Take advantage of this opportunity and sponsor a house for $3000, sponsor part of a house, get your church to sponsor a house, your small group, put together a team for a short term trip and come build it yourselves, or pledge to stand with us in prayer; but in some way, shape, or form...Pay it Forward!
Pedro, yes Pedro with the handicapped right hand and leg...working with a smile!

Cesar works smarter!

Mauricio & Fabiola team up for the 'big load'!

Rosa doesn't fool around with the little ones!

Angel dumps his load!

Together they can! Together they did! and...Together you can also!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Buen Esperanza...Day two!

Day two of the building shows you the progress on the toughest part of the house: the foundation. It is such a great spiritual lesson...we labor hard all day long digging, carrying rocks, mixing cement, pouring cement, and then do it all over again the next day. The house must sit on a solid foundation as the area is prone to earthquakes. It's a great picture of the parable of the house built on sand and the house built on solid rock! First we will build their homes on solid rock and during the course of the building we will work on building their souls on the foundation of Jesus Christ!
Come join us!
Consepcion labors for her own house!
The plumbing is in place!
Try this all day if you want to get your juices flowing!
Those aren't paper weights he lifting!
New friends meet at the corner: Alejandra & Tim!
With the rebar set we're ready to pour the last course of the foundation.

How do you think all those block got in there?
Will pours the final course of the foundation!

The Ladies of the Village do their part also!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Buen Esperanza: Let the building begin...

We are so thrilled to tell you that we have broken ground for the first home in Buen Esperanza! It is tough, hot  work, but it seems as if we can feel God smiling down on us as we begin the 'rebuilding' of a village! There's plenty of room for more of you to join us...we are authorized to build 15 homes this year, but to date we only have 5 covered financially. Henry Blackaby in his book Experiencing God said we should find out where God is working and go join him. He's in Buen Esperanza...won't you come and join Him?

Will breaks ground

Tim's movin' some dirt

That guy looks too old to swingin' a pick

Spiritual warfare stakes

Katie & Consepcion protect the home with scripture

The locals showing the Gringos how to work

A view of some of the layout work

All that dirt has to be hand tamped before pouring the floor

Cement mixers - Honduran style

Tim shows them he can hoist a full bucket of cement, too!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A apple a day....

Will here.

You've heard the saying right? An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Well, the villagers at "Buen Esperanza" were out of apples! Last Saturday Jay and Pauline Bridgeman, two fellow missionaries from "CURE International" came to the village so they could hold a clinic for the day. It went very well. It was really interesting to see how they worked with the people and to see how much they knew! Granted, you have to know alot to be a doctor (or else you would have a problem) but nonetheless, it was pretty cool to watch them work. With Mauricio's help as a translator they had met with people that had differing problems.

They even found a volunteer from the village that would be the "health worker" of the village. This "health worker" would be responsible for many things! He will have to check up on each family throughout the year to see how they are all doing health wise, keep track of medical histories, dispense medicines (such as tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.), treat wounds, etc. Pretty much anything first aid related. Hopefully this will lead to some medical teams as well! 

Thank you so much Jay and Pauline! 

Here are some photos from that day!

"Let the work begin!" 

"Checking Conchita's abdominals for a mass" 

"This little girl had open heart surgery performed a year ago in NY." 

"Dr. Jay tries to comfort this young woman who has a severe case of Cerebral Palsy" 

"Dr. Jay speaking to the people with Mauricio's help as translator"