Monday, January 31, 2011

Busy Day

Today, Bob and I traveled 3 hrs into the mountains with a fellow missionary named Ken. We went to a small town that was inquiring about a possible well for us to drill. Ken took Bob and I to the area so Bob could see if he could find a drilling site. Immediately upon arrival, Bob felt really good about the area and after a while of conversing with Ken and his in-laws, we all found a site that a well could possibly go.
After talking about the cost, we were informed of an old, hand dug well that the people used 25 years ago. We were taken to the site of the well and after another lengthy conversation we all agreed that they could clean out the old well, shock it (purify), seal it, and install a hand pump to see if it would be a viable well. They said that the well contains water during the hottest time of the year (which means little water in many areas) so that means there is water coming into the well. So the next step is to wait and see what they want to do.
These were GREAT people! We were complete strangers and they treated us as if were family! They blessed us with some blocks of cheese, some eggs (which the kids go through ALOT in one sitting), and a TON of plantains! God is great! Here is a little bit of what we saw today. If the Smoky Mountain range had a would eat it out!:
"Ole yeller"

"really lean beef"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Will fits into "The Crew"

Will Blackwell is our latest addition and as you can see he fits right in!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Morning Worship and the "Spider-Boy"!!!

After picking the kids up from school yesterday, we had somewhat of a surprise! Angel jumped in the car and I immediately asked myself "what happened?". We got home and he finally explained to all of us that he had a spider on his face. Does it look like a spider to you guys?
He says it's a spider.....we think it looks like a bunch of girls got a hold of him!

During the kid's morning devotions some of them like to sing before we jump into the WORD. We figured it would be cool to give you guys a taste of what it is like in the mornings!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The way God moves...and pleasant surprises!

Yesterday Joyce was in PriceMart buying food when she received a phone call from some friends at church who have a ministry of 'helps' for other ministries. The caller asked, "Can you use some eggs?" Joyce responded, Ï sure can, I will just put back the flat I just picked up." We keep getting blessed by Him in all these eleventh hour's just so cool to live through His surprises!

Our other 'pleasant surprise' came when we picked up Fabi, Mauricio, and Angel from school today. They just finished a week of intensive testing in every subject and today we received word that all three will be on the honor roll! Think about that...two years ago they rarely attended school at all and when they did they never did their homework. They had been passed simply because of age, but had almost zero they are honor roll students!!! Thank you Jesus; and thanks to all of you for your prayers on their're making a difference!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Rare Sight!

Deep in the heart of wild Honduras an event sometimes takes place that would shock many! What would that be you say!? Take a look for yourself!
"Follow the noise and you shall find the source!!!"

"Crikey! That is a biggun!"

Rare sight indeed! With 7 kids and 7 days that consist of non-stop work from 5:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M., Bob and Joyce NEVER get to relax until everyone is in bed. Today, relax time came a little bit early......and unexpectedly! The 3 youngest boys along with myself decided to have a little "fun". Bask in the awesomeness!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A subtle arm twist...

Tonight the guard from the gated community down the street stopped at our gate to give me a bit of news. He told that two times he had run off 3 guys looking at our vehicles and that if we weren't careful they would steal them. Then he told me for 600 limps a month he could keep an eye on them.

I agreed to pay, not because I believe he will keep an eye on them; but because the way it works here is that if I don't pay he tells the gangs where they can pick up 3 vehicles! If you think of it you might cover our cars with prayer.

Pedro Turns 6!!!

It's a "Happy Meal"!!!!

It's Official!!! Six it is!

Today Pedro turned 6! As you can tell, he really enjoyed it too!!! He even told Joyce that he was very excited because now....he does not have to take a nap in the afternoon! Funny because when your a young kid you abhor afternoon naps but once your 18 or older you literally have to be pried away from the mattress!!! Hard to believe that the guy has turned 6. Not even 2 years ago he thought he would NEVER experience something like he did today. There are 2 reasons why. Numero uno: JESUS!!! Numero dos: YOU! Because of your prayers and support...he is smiling at his 6th birthday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Go to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200...

I feel like we just got the 'go to jail' card...

After waiting 3 weeks for the air compressor to get fixed Will & I took it to the mountains today to drill. After drilling with the drag bit until we hit rock we hooked up the compressor, turned it on, and............NOTHING!

Now we're back home again....BUT, in the morning we will pick up the tech and take him to the mountains to check out the problem at the drill site. Now if you all will just pray a little harder maybe we can get this well finished!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Foiled again...

Today, Will & I loaded our gear into the truck and headed to the authorized repair dealer for the air compressor to pick it up and finally get back to drilling. After 3 weeks of feet-dragging we would finally be getting our equipment back. However, as we approached the dealer I got a call from our host who told me he had to come into town for the day and would not be returning until tomorrow morning.

So, tomorrow we will try again...this has been a star-crossed project and we are eager to bring it to a successful close. Please offer your prayers on behalf of this well...we need your help.

We took advantage of the day off to get the boys hair cuts...what a handsome group we have!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today's Ride To The School!

We were on our way to pick up Fabi and Mauricio from school so we figured you guys would like to see what happens when it rains ALOT!!!!

Marvel Heroes.....Coder Style!

Irony of ironies...

It rained all day yesterday and all night last night; and now this morning we have no water in the house!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day long rains...

Thought we would pick up our air compressor today, but guess what....not finished again! Tomorrow I will take them some money and maybe they will complete the job. Their excuse today was they wanted me to pay for the valve before continuing...of course, they didn't call to tell me that; they just didn't work on it.

Rain all day and all night last night...they're calling for 2 more days of it. That's a lot when they're 7 kids trapped inside!

Will continues to stretch his 'legs' with the driving. Tonight he took the cook to the bus stop...with Fabi's help.

Mauricio's chest is sticking out pretty good tonight...he whipped me pretty badly in chess tonight! I may have to revert to cheating.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bits & Pieces...

We continue to work on getting the house completely repaired for 'easy livin'... we still are having some problems with tiles coming up (the builder did a lousy job of putting down quikset, but just about everything else is in good shape.

We just picked up an 8 foot long wooden table that we had hand-made up the mountains. It's beautiful and it's nice to have us all actually looking at each other during meals. We had this made for $60 U.S.; can you believe that?

Our new home has a small in-ground pool which the kids absolutely love....if they've been good they are in it almost everyday the sun's out (remember we're in Honduras, always sunny). Will & I are still trying to figure out how to keep the water clear, but if you put our brains together it comes out like the pool water...cloudy!

Today Will and I went out to pay some bills and here's our experience: at the Immigration Office where I had to extend the Visas of Joyce & I the girl purposely kept us waiting for nearly an hour...why, because she can! Then we went to pay our vehicle insurance, which I did; however, they (the insurance office) didn't have any change so I had to make a return trip just to get my change (did I say it is on the other side of the city?) Next we went to pay our cable & internet bill, but despite the fact I gave them our contract they couldn't find any record of me in their system and therefore, couldn't take my payment. After waiting for 1/2 hour I told them to call me when they found something...haven't heard from them yet. We went to check on my computer which was supposed to have been repaired last Wednesday, then moved to Saturday...on Sat. they told me it would be done they told me it would done tomorrow...anybody feel like betting?

Tried to pick up the air compressor, but they haven't finished it yet. They called and told me they had, but when I asked them about one of the problems we discussed they told me they forgot to check it. Then they said it would done yesterday, but it's still not surprises.

Will has been a real blessing to us..even though we haven't been able to drill yet, he has taken a big load off of us w/the kids. The kids love him and it is reciprocal. Right now he's in his room w/Fabi & Mauricio doing a Bible Study for them. He's worked up the courage to drive the kids to school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. As soon as we get our compressor back I think we will be able to make some progress in the drilling area that will be a boone to us least that's our plan.

Everyone is healthy, just a minor earache for Antonio, and we're enjoying the benefits of our new home. Joyce is digging in the dirt everyday (planting flowers and vines) and it's like therapy for her, the kids love their new found space, and I love that we are twice as close to everywhere we need to go in the city. We are truly blessed........THANK YOU!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lions, Crocs and........Coders!?

Mauricio and his new friend!
Smart idea?

Smiley the Crocodile!

Kiss me?

Poor thing...
All of the beautiful colors that God made...

Glad he was in there! Needs a haircut!

You'd be surprised how great the combination of the three worked out!!! No one lost their fingers or toes!!! The kids really enjoyed it and it was pretty sweet seeing all of the different types of God's creations. The crocodiles were really cool and Bob enjoyed intimidating them too! I think Joyce wanted to bring one of the lion Cubs home!!!! That would have been interesting.

BTW: Even though Bob encouraged me to, I did not kiss the little croc. Got smacked by the tail though! Pretty strong little critter!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chess Wars!!!

Tonight there was a tournament of Chess between Bob, Mauricio, Fabiola, and I (Will). Why make a post about chess? Because Bob played Chess for the first time EVER!!! Who would've thought!?

The first game was Will v. Fabiola. Winner: Will

The second game was Mauricio v. Bob. Guess who won? Bob!

Maybe I can talk Bob into a game!!!

Anyway, here are some pics of the "King" in action!

Talking smack trying to intimidate his opponent.

Bob in deep thought.

Back to school....for some

Today Fabi, Mauricio, & Angel returned to school from their Christmas vacation. Funny thing...they were eager to get back to school because it was boring at the house, but now they're ready for another vacation since they have school work.

Mauricio, Fabiola, and I have been doing school work since 2:00 p.m. except for a break for dinner...and we're not done yet.

Will has been keeping the other kids occupied...they had a rousing game of dodge ball in the yard tonight and Pedro came in with a battle scar on his arm. They are enjoying their new 'mate'.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Child labor & a New Addition...

Child gotta love it! It's free and a few simple swings of a switch brings about great motivation! Fabiola labored all day painting the room of our newest family member, Will. She did great job, although she did paint her face and legs in the process.

Mauricio & Cesar really worked hard out in front of the house. Over time mud had built up and didn't allow the water to drain when it rained creating a lake in front of our house. They dug and dug, shoveled and shoveled and finally removed it all...great work guys!

Will Blackwell of Tellico Plains, TN. arrived this morning and will be living with us on a permanent basis. Will has known the children since Christmas 2008 and has felt God calling him to become involved on a full time basis. Pray for Will as he answers God's call on his heart.