Today was tough...first we dropped Claud at the depot to clean the air hammer while I went to the dentist, then I picked up Claud, the air compressor, the hammer and headed to La Confiensa. We got there, Claud backed the compressor into place and we got ready to hook up the hammer and realized we'd left the slip for the hammer at the depot in San Pedro Sula. On top of that when we tried to stop the truck by putting it in park it just kept rolling down the mountainside, even when we tried to apply the emergency brake.
I knew we couldn't mess with the truck in this condition and so we headed back to the city feeling somewhat like we'd just lost the first 7 rounds of a 10 round fight. However, on the way back Claud & I prayed, we bound, we cast out, we thanked God for His provision and His repair of our truck. It took a bit, but we finally found a garage that had the capability of diagnosing and repairing our problems. Claud feared it might cost as much as $1000 U.S. and I knew if that were the case we couldn't get the truck fixed. We prayed again and thanked God for keeping our resources in mind and for finding us a repair that was within our means.
At the garage they told us the problem would cost us about 4500 Limperas or $225. I was very relieved it wasn't close the $1000 we had feared. While the mechanics were diagnosing the problem Claud & I struck up a conversation with the General Manager, who spoke English. We talked about why we were in Honduras, the work we were doing and the children we were raising. He told us he was getting married in August and I asked if he knew Christ and he said he did, and his future wife did as well. That was it...just polite conversation and introducing Christ into the conversation.
He got the bill from the dealer for the parts and apologized for the cost of the part and said he would call us when it was ready. We went home to wait feeling like God had delivered. But God wasn't done............
When I went to pick up the bill the General Manager had already left for the day so I headed to the cashier to hand over money. Then I saw that God had done much more...the bill was 952 Limperas or approximately $47.50!
When Satan thought he had us down for the count God showed up! Thank you, Jesus!