For all who thought getting all the kids in school would give us a break (us included), we can tell you we're as excited as the kids that the weekend is here! Getting everybody up a 5:00 a.m., washed, teeth brushed, dressed, fed, Bible Study and out the door by 6:30 a.m. is a real chore. Joyce and I have it down pretty pat though, and look somewhat like an assembly line getting ready for breakfast and getting the dishes done.
Then we start the battle into the's the worst time of the morning and in this city of 900,000 with only 4 access roads the traffic is horrendous. Add to that no driving laws, few traffic lights, and "an anything goes" mentality and the morning trip to the schools is anything but a treat. We make it back home, have our own Bible Study, head to the stores (grocery, clothes, shoes, hardware, etc.) and get back in time to go get the kids again to come home for lunch. They are tense mornings....
We're still trying to figure out what grades the kids should really be in based upon their abilities to learn (or inabilities). After one week we aren't very happy with the schools for some of them, but there aren't a lot of choices.
Tonight we all went out for a treat...we went to a little store that has snow cones and an outdoor playground. The kids love it and the owner loves us and gives us big discounts. It's a cheap night out and they feel like they've really had something special.
Keep praying...several have colds and coughs that we're trying to chase away. Tomorrow most of the kids will sleep in, but Gershon's special school begins tomorrow so he'll be getting up early. I put him to work today painting the bathroom so he's ready for his school to begin.
Thanks for all you do for us...we love you each one.
Gershon, Fabiola, Mauricio, Rosa, Karen, Antonio, Cesar, Angel, Jesus, Pedro, Joyce, & Bob